Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lucky Seven

My sweet baby girl - you are now seven months old! 

Every day you do some new, amazing thing.  On Wednesday of last week, you came home from school with a tooth. We only had two days to say, "Quinn has a tooth!" before we had to change it to, "Quinn has two teeth!"  We don't have any teething horror stories to report. You didn't seem to be in pain or have any trouble with it at all. You are completely unflappable - so much like your Daddy, Quinn!

You surprised me the other day by pushing my hands together when I was playing Peekaboo with you.  Every time I opened my hands and said, "Peekaboo!" you laughed and then pushed them back together so we could do it again...and again...and again.  It's so much fun to play with you. 

We continue to try new foods to support your latest growth spurt.  We've recently added butternut squash and banana to the menu. I think we'll try avocados next.  You are up to eighteen and a half pounds, and getting stronger every day. 

I can't wait to see what else you do this month.  Onward, Quinn!  We love you so much.  

Playing dress-up as we pack away the winter clothes
Extreme close-up
I'm splashing water on the floor - deal with it, Daddy!

He forgives me
Miss Independent
Thanks for showing me how to use the sippy cup, Daddy.
I'm off the playmat!

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