Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Goin' Mobile

Dear Quinn,
Lately you have become such an independent little person.  You need me less and less - and that is ok.  

It seems like you are beginning the process of "self-weaning."  Not only do you prefer to hold the bottle by yourself when others try to feed you, you are much less interested in nursing.  You are so eager to explore your world that you pull away from me constantly so you can look around.  On the days you aren't at daycare getting bottles, I worry that you're not getting enough food.  

You make up for it at night, usually around 3 or 4 in the morning.  You are half-asleep, and so will let me feed you in the darkness as long as I keep rocking back and forth in the glider.  Even during these sessions, you will no longer hold onto my finger.  No matter how many times I try, you make it clear that you would rather twirl my t-shirt, slap your leg, or rub your head while you're eating. 

Once again your Daddy has set a deadline for us.  No more middle-of-the-night feedings past the first of June.  We'll try our best together on this one, baby girl.

Last week we began replacing one of your momma's milk bottles with formula each day.  You don't seem to mind the difference, and it has allowed me to stock up on milk for the days to come.  This weekend I'll be sleeping away from you for the very first time.  I am going to your Aunt Lauren's bachelorette party, and you are staying home with Daddy.  I'm going to miss you so much, Quinn!

You have made such rapid progress in the last two weeks since you learned to sit.  You can now roll all the way around, from your back to your tummy and back again.  You have started to pull your knees up underneath you in preparation for crawling.  Because this takes some practice, you sometimes end up scooting backwards.  You are really on the move now, kid.  Your Daddy even spent some time yesterday figuring out how to install the baby gates we'll be needing very soon.

In other news, you have found your tongue and love to stick it out.  We also suspect that your first tooth is on the way. 

Big plans for your weekend include trying out some butternut squash, beginning baby sign language and another audit of your wardrobe.  It's time to break out some bigger stuff - and summer stuff! 

Picture time!

"Guess what, Pop-Daddy..."
"I'm gonna take your glasses!"
Thanks for reading me a book, Aunt Lauren!
Sound asleep at school (and wearing a backup outfit!)

Daddy and Quinn on the playmat

Kissin' my foot

Video bonus:  Here you are yelling at your mobile and sticking out your tongue.  I love you, Quinn!!

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