Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Dear Quinn,
You are back from your first big adventure!  You spent the weekend with your Mom-Mom and Pop-Daddy while your father and I went down the shore.

They were just thrilled to have you.  By Tuesday your Mom-Mom had already called asking when she could have you back.  She said that you were very well-behaved, although your Aunt Elena ratted you out and informed me that you threw a tantrum on Saturday because you didn't want to take a nap. (The tantrums are fairly new and may be related to teething.  You work yourself into a frenzy, wailing at the highest pitch imaginable and kicking your little legs.)  But despite this, they still wanted to keep you.  Every time I called to check on you, your Pop-Daddy pretended that I had the wrong number and that he couldn't speak English. "Baby no here, sorry!"

They played with you all day and even took you out to dinner to visit Aunt Elena at work: 

Sitting in a big girl high chair at Ryan's Pub!
Being away from you for 48 hours really underscored how much progress you can make in a day's time.  By Sunday you had already learned some new tricks.  You can go from a sit to a crawling position and have started "tenting" by arching your back and lifting yourself onto your tippy toes.  In addition, your Mom-Mom taught you how to clap.  You've been clapping constantly ever since, whether it is appropriate or not.  This morning I got an ovation for drying my hair - thank you, Quinn!

Video proof: 8 seconds of clapping

Your Daddy and I missed you very much, but we knew that you were in good hands. It gave us a much-appreciated chance to have some fun together and it allowed you to spend some time with your grandparents.  We want you to be as close to them as possible. 

Thanks for watching me, Mom-Mom and Pop-Daddy!
On Monday we visited your Grammy and Pop-Pop, and they are just as excited to have you while we go to Mexico for your Aunt Lauren's wedding.  You sat on your Grammy's lap as she told you all about the plans they made for your visit.  You clapped happily when she mentioned splashing in a baby pool.   You got so many hugs and kisses - and got sent home with new toys, clothes and diapers.  (Thank you!!!) 

Your daddy and I are extremely lucky that our parents are so supportive of our little family.  You will never know how much your grandparents love you, Quinn.  We are going to do our best to make sure that you make a lifetime of memories with all of them.   
Why are you tickling my foot, Pop-Pop?
Me and My Grammy!

I'm such a lucky girl!

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