Monday, June 2, 2014

Memorial Day

Dear Quinn,
Here we are enjoying Memorial Day at Aunt Lauren and Uncle Steve's house in Delaware. You loved spending time at their place - checking out the dog, the cat and the park across the street. Mom-Mom brought a cake and I let you have some. Then Mom-Mom let you have some more. Then Aunt Lauren let you have even more.

The next night we brought you to Mom-Mom and Pop-Daddy's so that Daddy and I could go to an appointment near their house, and again you got to eat the leftover cake.

An entire week has gone by, and you are still talking about it.

Me: "Do you want to go to school and have some breakfast?"
You: "Cake?"

Me: "Quinn, are you ready to sit in your chair and have dinner?"
You: "Cake?"

I can't give you cake as much as you would like it, but you are lucky to have so many people in your life who love to spoil you. 

Patriotic duds courtesy of Grammy
Thanks for sharing your cake, Mom Mom!


I like the Grateful Dead!
 Video bonus:

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