Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Quinn's First Beer Week

Dear Quinn,
A few weeks ago, your Daddy and I took you to the Shambles for the Philly Beer Week Beer Garden.  We weren't sure what to expect, but we all had a great time. You weren't shy at all - you went right over to one of the picnic tables and climbed up to have a seat with a group of 20 something girls who made a big fuss over you. Then you heard the music and started dancing in front of the DJ booth.  After that, all the "stroller people" began to congregate near us and you found some of your friends from school.  You spent about an hour running up and down this concrete ramp.  

Thanks for a great night, Quinn!  We love you. 


215... represent!
Quinn and Daddy
Making friends

Cobblestones are hard to walk on!

Ready for bed!

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