Monday, June 30, 2014

20 Months

Dear Quinn,
You are now twenty months old - a true little kid who is capable of holding entire conversations. We're getting close to abandoning the stroller. Last week Daddy let you walk all the way home from school. He lets you run free as long as you stay on the sidewalk and hold his hand to cross the streets.

You are becoming so independent. You are very opinionated about what you want to wear, and insist on putting on your own shoes. We are not actively training you yet, but we'll put you on the potty when you tell us that you have to go. At school you use the potty at least three times a day. You're doing great! 

Speaking of school, you are absolutely kicking butt!  You know your colors and parts of the body, animals and the sounds they make, you can count to ten, and have even started recognizing letters of the alphabet. I am beginning to suspect that you can actually read.

You still love books. Every night before you go to sleep you pick out a stack of books and sit nicely with me while we read them together. Right now your favorites are your BabyLit books, most of which are counting primers. They're working! 

You are still obsessed with The Sound of Music, and use your allotted screen time to watch clips of it on YouTube. At the moment your favorite song is Sixteen Going on Seventeen. I think your Daddy and I are going to have to sit through a lot of musical theater productions as you grow up.

Other things you love: Vehicles- buses, helicopters, airplanes, trash trucks- you love them all.  Slides: your go-to activity at the park. At home you beg to watch home videos of you sliding. You take your stuffed animals and slide them down the wall saying, "whee!" Bananas: I now have to steer clear of shoppers with bananas in the supermarket because you are not above attacking the bananas of total strangers.

You absolutely love your grandparents. You talk about them all the time, and it's clear that you miss them when you haven't seen them for awhile. We try to spend time with them every weekend. This past weekend you spent Saturday with Mom-Mom and Pop and Sunday with Grammy and Pop-Pop. You came home exhausted, and very well-fed.

I have fallen behind on these letters, so we have many photos to share of your awesome summer so far.

Potty treat - ice cream!

Cupcake at Uncle TJ and Uncle Mikeyface's birthday dinner

Messing with Pop-Pop's herb garden

Kiddie concert at Cianifrani Park

The Paisley Pickles

Enjoying the music

Another ice cream potty reward - it's cold!

Daddy and Pop-Pop harvesting veggies

A sweet pea for me!

Matching mani-pedis with Mommy

Pop-Pop showing me the baby birds

Having chocolate milk for the first time at South Street Diner.
You refused to believe that it wasn't ice cream.

There is sometimes a doggie behind this gate. 

On this day he wasn't there,
so you went over and yelled, "Doggie!!!" until he came out.
Playing with Pop
Bubbles with Mom-Mom
Cool kid going to school on Sunglasses Day with your baby for Show and Play

 We love you, baby girl!

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