Monday, June 2, 2014

Nineteen Months!

Dear Quinn,
In recent weeks you have sprouted two new teeth, a variety of new words, (including "yes!" which is a welcome change from "no!") and have learned to recognize numbers and count to ten. Right now you are obsessed with identifying the sounds of the city - always alerting us when you hear a car horn, siren, helicopter, horse or motorcycle. You look out the window and tell us what is going by - bus! car! truck! taxi!

I took you to school on the bus yesterday and all the commuters were smiling and laughing at you. You kept asking, "bus? bus?" and every time it moved you held on to the bar and said, "whoa!!!" You cried when we got to our stop and the bus moved along down the street. I had to bribe you inside with the promise of a banana.

Here are some pictures:

Mother's day came and went, but we had a great time celebrating with Grammy and Mom Mom!

daily report

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