Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Dear Quinn,
You are back from your first big adventure!  You spent the weekend with your Mom-Mom and Pop-Daddy while your father and I went down the shore.

They were just thrilled to have you.  By Tuesday your Mom-Mom had already called asking when she could have you back.  She said that you were very well-behaved, although your Aunt Elena ratted you out and informed me that you threw a tantrum on Saturday because you didn't want to take a nap. (The tantrums are fairly new and may be related to teething.  You work yourself into a frenzy, wailing at the highest pitch imaginable and kicking your little legs.)  But despite this, they still wanted to keep you.  Every time I called to check on you, your Pop-Daddy pretended that I had the wrong number and that he couldn't speak English. "Baby no here, sorry!"

They played with you all day and even took you out to dinner to visit Aunt Elena at work: 

Sitting in a big girl high chair at Ryan's Pub!
Being away from you for 48 hours really underscored how much progress you can make in a day's time.  By Sunday you had already learned some new tricks.  You can go from a sit to a crawling position and have started "tenting" by arching your back and lifting yourself onto your tippy toes.  In addition, your Mom-Mom taught you how to clap.  You've been clapping constantly ever since, whether it is appropriate or not.  This morning I got an ovation for drying my hair - thank you, Quinn!

Video proof: 8 seconds of clapping

Your Daddy and I missed you very much, but we knew that you were in good hands. It gave us a much-appreciated chance to have some fun together and it allowed you to spend some time with your grandparents.  We want you to be as close to them as possible. 

Thanks for watching me, Mom-Mom and Pop-Daddy!
On Monday we visited your Grammy and Pop-Pop, and they are just as excited to have you while we go to Mexico for your Aunt Lauren's wedding.  You sat on your Grammy's lap as she told you all about the plans they made for your visit.  You clapped happily when she mentioned splashing in a baby pool.   You got so many hugs and kisses - and got sent home with new toys, clothes and diapers.  (Thank you!!!) 

Your daddy and I are extremely lucky that our parents are so supportive of our little family.  You will never know how much your grandparents love you, Quinn.  We are going to do our best to make sure that you make a lifetime of memories with all of them.   
Why are you tickling my foot, Pop-Pop?
Me and My Grammy!

I'm such a lucky girl!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Video Roundup

Dear Quinn,

Here are some of my favorite videos from the past couple of weeks. 

Splashing in the sink:

I must have watched this video a thousand times.  Every time I ride the subway, fellow commuters lean over my shoulder and tell me how cute it is.  I watch it every night after you go to bed, and every time I get a free minute at work.   I wish I would have included your Daddy's reaction to how much water you are splashing on the floor. 

A complete roll:

Totally grossed out by your banana feeder:

I think you're saying, "I have squash all over me, Mommy."

Lucky Seven

My sweet baby girl - you are now seven months old! 

Every day you do some new, amazing thing.  On Wednesday of last week, you came home from school with a tooth. We only had two days to say, "Quinn has a tooth!" before we had to change it to, "Quinn has two teeth!"  We don't have any teething horror stories to report. You didn't seem to be in pain or have any trouble with it at all. You are completely unflappable - so much like your Daddy, Quinn!

You surprised me the other day by pushing my hands together when I was playing Peekaboo with you.  Every time I opened my hands and said, "Peekaboo!" you laughed and then pushed them back together so we could do it again...and again...and again.  It's so much fun to play with you. 

We continue to try new foods to support your latest growth spurt.  We've recently added butternut squash and banana to the menu. I think we'll try avocados next.  You are up to eighteen and a half pounds, and getting stronger every day. 

I can't wait to see what else you do this month.  Onward, Quinn!  We love you so much.  

Playing dress-up as we pack away the winter clothes
Extreme close-up
I'm splashing water on the floor - deal with it, Daddy!

He forgives me
Miss Independent
Thanks for showing me how to use the sippy cup, Daddy.
I'm off the playmat!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Goin' Mobile

Dear Quinn,
Lately you have become such an independent little person.  You need me less and less - and that is ok.  

It seems like you are beginning the process of "self-weaning."  Not only do you prefer to hold the bottle by yourself when others try to feed you, you are much less interested in nursing.  You are so eager to explore your world that you pull away from me constantly so you can look around.  On the days you aren't at daycare getting bottles, I worry that you're not getting enough food.  

You make up for it at night, usually around 3 or 4 in the morning.  You are half-asleep, and so will let me feed you in the darkness as long as I keep rocking back and forth in the glider.  Even during these sessions, you will no longer hold onto my finger.  No matter how many times I try, you make it clear that you would rather twirl my t-shirt, slap your leg, or rub your head while you're eating. 

Once again your Daddy has set a deadline for us.  No more middle-of-the-night feedings past the first of June.  We'll try our best together on this one, baby girl.

Last week we began replacing one of your momma's milk bottles with formula each day.  You don't seem to mind the difference, and it has allowed me to stock up on milk for the days to come.  This weekend I'll be sleeping away from you for the very first time.  I am going to your Aunt Lauren's bachelorette party, and you are staying home with Daddy.  I'm going to miss you so much, Quinn!

You have made such rapid progress in the last two weeks since you learned to sit.  You can now roll all the way around, from your back to your tummy and back again.  You have started to pull your knees up underneath you in preparation for crawling.  Because this takes some practice, you sometimes end up scooting backwards.  You are really on the move now, kid.  Your Daddy even spent some time yesterday figuring out how to install the baby gates we'll be needing very soon.

In other news, you have found your tongue and love to stick it out.  We also suspect that your first tooth is on the way. 

Big plans for your weekend include trying out some butternut squash, beginning baby sign language and another audit of your wardrobe.  It's time to break out some bigger stuff - and summer stuff! 

Picture time!

"Guess what, Pop-Daddy..."
"I'm gonna take your glasses!"
Thanks for reading me a book, Aunt Lauren!
Sound asleep at school (and wearing a backup outfit!)

Daddy and Quinn on the playmat

Kissin' my foot

Video bonus:  Here you are yelling at your mobile and sticking out your tongue.  I love you, Quinn!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day!

Dear Baby Quinn,
Last year on Mother's Day, I was just beginning to feel you kick.  I had no idea what was ahead of me and never could have imagined that it would be so amazing.

You and your Daddy worked hard to make my first Mother's Day very special.  I came home from work on Saturday night to a clean apartment and flowers on the table.  He brought you downstairs on Sunday morning so I could sleep in - and then we went out to a lovely brunch, where you ate all your carrots like a big girl.

Later in the day, Uncle TJ and Rebecca came over to stay with you so your Daddy and I could go out
to dinner at my favorite restaurant.

I am the luckiest Mommy in the world! 

...But not because of all this fancy stuff - I am blessed because I am your Mommy - and you are the sweetest, happiest baby ever.

You are so thoughtful, Quinn!  You made me a lovely gift at school, and you posed for pictures to make a pretty card for your grandmothers and great-grandmother.

I'm so glad you got to spend time with them all to make their holidays special too.  We all love you so much!

My frame - I love it!
"I'm glad you like your necklace, can I play with it?"

Four generations
Quinn and Nana Quinn
"I was a good girl at brunch, how come I can't go to dinner?"
All dressed up for Grammy's house!
Daddy, you forgot to take a picture of me and my Grammy

Thanks for a wonderful Mother's Day, Quinn!  

Monday, May 6, 2013


I made this at school!
Dear Quinn,

Last Thursday when I picked you up from school, the principal was waiting for me at the door.  She wanted to let me know that you weren't in your usual room that day.  Instead you were across the hall, spending some time in the "infant transition" room.  She explained that you will spend a few hours there every day until you are moved up permanently some time in the next couple of weeks.

I remember seeing this room when I was pregnant and your Daddy and I toured the daycare.  Unlike the calm environment of the infant room, this place was much more rough and tumble.  The "babies" were so big, and most were on the move. They eyed us curiously and crawled around our feet.  They climbed over one another and pulled themselves up on the furniture.  The prospect of you being one of them seemed so far away at the time, but now you are almost ready to join them.

I walked into the "big girl room" and introduced myself to the teachers. (By the way, I love saying, "I'm Quinn's Mom!")  You were busy playing, but gave me a big smile when you saw me.  I asked how you did and all the teachers said that you were wonderful.  "Most kids cry," they said.  But not you - you enjoyed watching the bigger kids and playing with all the new toys. 

We are so proud of you and how well you are doing at school.  Every day we hear about the excellent progress you're making there through the notes sent home by your teacher.  "Quinn holds up her bottle on her own."  "Quinn is doing a great job sitting up!"  "Please send in a sippy cup so that Quinn can practice."

On Friday your teacher asked if we wanted them to start feeding you "puffs" so that you could develop your fine motor skills.  I was incredulous when I told your Daddy about it.  "They suggested puffs!!  Can you believe that?" 

He could believe it.  He thinks you're ready.  You are lucky he is around to advocate for you, because sometimes my natural instinct is to resist all this change, and try to make you be my baby forever. 

That's when it occurred to me.  The reason your principal was waiting for me at the door.  The reason she spoke so gently while assuring me that they would ease you into your new routine slowly and gradually.  I couldn't help but think that this transition phase is probably much more necessary for me than it is for you.  

Here are some pictures of my big big girl: 

"Quinn's bin"
Apparently you won't let any of the other kids play with these toys at daycare.

Exhausted after a long day in the big girl room

I can finally get my feet in my mouth!
Playing with Rao in my sleep...
I'll try the carrots and cereal, but only if I can check it out first...
First Annual South Street Festival

Admiring a sculpture across from Three Bears Park

First time in a big girl swing! 
Whoa! I better hold on!
Long day of fun...needed a bath!