Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Family Weekend

Dear Quinn,
You had such a busy weekend, my little party girl!  We spent Friday night at Grammy and Pop-Pop's house for Uncle Mike and Uncle TJ's birthday dinner.  You couldn't stay awake long enough to sing  and clap for them, but you loved sleeping in the new crib your grandparents got for you and your future cousins.  They are so excited to have you in a couple of weeks!

My new snail jammies!

What is this thing??

Havin' fun with Uncle Mike!
Can I try on your hat, Uncle TJ?
Too big!
Hey - there's Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris on the iPad! 
Sorry I missed you guys!
On Saturday morning, we gave you puffs for the "first" time.  I suspect that you have had a puff or two at school before.  When I put one on your tray, you demonstrated an expert pincer grasp and immediately began crunching it up with your two little teeth. 

I love puffs!
Later that day you went to your first Luau for your great Aunt Kathy's 50th birthday.  You had so much fun seeing Mom-Mom and Pop-Daddy and playing with the other kids. 

Great Aunt Chrissy!

Aunt Lauren
Your second cousin, Baby Max!
You also experienced "Quinnac" for the first time... Our family is weird - you'll see!
On Sunday, you and I got up early and took a walk through the quiet streets.  In the afternoon, we said goodbye to the coffee table to make a play area for you.  You need more room for crawling practice - you are almost there, Quinn!

C'mere, bunny
More room for me to crawl!
Mommy couldn't resist the matching bow

Long line at Starbucks...
Shouldn't have gotten decaf...

Rest up while you can, Quinn.  There is another big weekend coming up for Father's Day.  Already we are having such an incredible summer with you.  We love you so much!!

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