Thursday, June 20, 2013

Video Roundup

Dear Quinn,
Amidst all the holiday hubbub and busy couple of weeks, you have made incredible progress.  Your babbles now regularly include consonants.  Whether or not it has any connection to him, we don't know, but either way your Daddy is thrilled that you will now say, "Dada." 

After weeks of determination and frustration, you are now officially crawling.  For the first couple of days you were putting your hands on the ground and hopping a bit, but you have since perfected your form by bending your knees.

You are everywhere and into everything! 

Your teacher tells me that you have started a trend at school of hanging out underneath your crib.  You allow other babies to follow you in, but will not tolerate them going under there first or without you.  I prefer to think of it as you demonstrating your natural leadership ability.  

Elsewhere in the mobility department, you have been using the furniture (or us, or whatever else is available) to pull yourself up to a stand.  You love to stand up and practice your balance! 

 Also, I think it is finally safe to say that you are sleeping through the night.  Thank you, Quinn!

And last but not least, two adorable things you do that I want to remember. 

1. Lately, whenever I carry you down the stairs, you hold on to me with both hands and squeal with glee.  You enjoy being startled too... I think we have a little thrill seeker on our hands. 

2. You are really into the book, Peedie by Oliver Dunrea.  Every time I read it to you, you continually turn around to smile at me and lay your head against my chest - your little version of a hug. 

And now to post a bunch of videos before they get too old:

Playing peekaboo in the Wawa parking lot:

Talking with your mouth full:

Time to lower the crib:

No more puffs:

I can't believe you will be eight months old in a few days.  We love you, sweet girl!

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