Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Father's Day!

Dear Quinn,
You had another big weekend - this time to celebrate Father's Day.  All the men in your life wanted to spend time with you.

Here you are hanging out at Grammy and Pop-Pop's house on Saturday.  

Wearing my Charleston shirt- thanks, Grammy!

Destroying Pop-Pop's father's day cards: 
I ate this one...
'Dropped this one between the slats of the deck - sorry, Pop-Pop!

The boys
Feeling grass for the first time... ewww!!
This is more like it
Thanks for the cool toy!
Noticing Pop-Pop's beer (about two seconds before you knocked it over)
On Sunday, we woke up early and came downstairs to let Daddy sleep.  You "helped" me straighten up the apartment and decorate the mantle in honor of Dad.

You were so excited to give Daddy the present you made for him...

It's a book all about thanking Daddy for everything he does for you.

Here he is reading it to you:

Here's a look inside the book:

Daddy, I want to thank you for....

I got your Daddy a present too - and wrote him a letter to thank him for being such a wonderful dad.

Later that day, we went to Mom-Mom and Pop Daddy's house for a barbeque.  Pop-Daddy loved his presents too!

And Uncle Robbie was there!

I'm not ready to be flipped, Aunt Lauren!
Quinn, you are so very lucky to have two grandfathers who love you, as well as the world's best daddy.  You should know this about that cold winter day when we first found out about you.   After I told your Daddy and the shocking news of your existence was sinking in, I watched his face for a reaction.  His reaction was this: he became a father.  It's true!  Right in that moment, our family became his number one priority - and ever since that day he has done everything in his power to support us, protect us and make us happy.  Most importantly, he absolutely adores you. 

You may sometimes have trouble remembering this as you grow up, but I want you to know that he always has your best interest at heart - and everything he does is because of how much he loves you.

One last thing to mention in this post: Your daddy ended his first Father's Day up in your room with a toolbox while you and I slept in our bed.  He refused to let you sleep even one night in your crib after we discovered that it needed to be lowered.

A Daddy's job is never done!  

Thanks for fixing my crib - I love you, Daddy!

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