Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Video RoundUp: Food Edition

Dear Quinn,
This past weekend I did another audit of your clothes and added to the ever-expanding collection of things you have out-grown.  We also retired some of your equipment (goodbye for now, bouncy seat, Bumbo, and bath sling) and got some new stuff out of storage.

We are so lucky that our loved ones provided for all your needs so generously - and that they thought so far beyond your newborn days. (To all of our friends and family who are reading this, please know how much we appreciate it.)  It is so much fun to go "shopping" in your toybox, dress you in a new outfit or read you a new book from your little library. 

Whenever I need something, it is usually waiting for you in your fully-stocked nursery. Now that the time for real food has arrived, it was so helpful to already have little bowls and special spoons, sippy cups and bibs - and things I didn't even know existed, like the mesh feeder that allows you to safely eat chunks of fresh fruit.

Lately you have been developing such a sophisticated little palate.  So far you have enjoyed peas, carrots, butternut squash, avocado, pears, watermelon, mango, bananas and sweet potatoes.  To say that pears are your favorite would be an understatement.  When we cannot shovel pears into your face fast enough, you crawl into our laps and chase the spoon with your mouth.

Tonight your daddy put together your high chair (thank you, Aunt Annette!) and I learned another valuable lesson in parenting: it is much easier to feed you while you are strapped into a chair. No more sweet potato smudges on Mommy's glasses! 

Here are 2 short videos of you trying out your high chair - and one of you getting your first drink of (bath)water.  You are hilarious, Quinn!  We love you so much. 

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