Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Next Chapter

Dear Quinn,
It's very late and I should be getting some sleep, but I am trying to prevent this night from ending.  On Friday my maternity leave ends, so tomorrow is my very last day home with you. 

As heartbroken as I am at the moment, I have to smile when I think about how amazing the last three months have been.  During my pregnancy I had many moments of trepidation about taking care of a baby around the clock, but you have made it such a pleasure. At the time I didn't know that attending to your needs would never seem like a chore. I didn't expect you to be so easy to love - and that everything we do, from soothing you in the middle of the night to changing your dirty diapers, would be done with joy and gratitude.  Nothing in my life could have prepared me for being your mom.  I never knew that you would have so much to teach me.  I never expected that you would consume my mind, expand my heart and sharpen my sense of humor.  Before your arrival we thought that having you would make us poor, but instead you have made our lives incredibly rich. 

As our special time comes to an end, it comforts me to know that I made the most of it and will always have beautiful memories to treasure.  Moving forward I have to focus on the fact that going back to work is what is best for our little family - and for you - in the long run.  You make me proud every day - and I know that we are strong enough to take the next step and start a new adventure. 

As sad as I am right now, I am also very grateful - because truly, baby girl, every day with you has been a gift.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Quinn's First Sixers Game

Sixers v. Knicks

January 26, 2013 

Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, PA

Daddy's little good luck charm
Go Sixers!
Check out my Sixers bib!
Family shot

"Passionate. Intense. Proud."
Thanks for the Club Box seats, Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris!
Sixers win 97-80  "Show Ya Love!"

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Video Round Up #3

Dear Baby Quinn,

You found your hands! You have been absentmindedly sucking them for quite some time, but now you have truly noticed they are there. You furrow your little brow, move your fingers around and stare at them in amazement.  Mom-Mom said that this means you are ready for toys that you can hold.  

Here is a video of you crinkling your dragonfly toy:

I haven't captured this on video yet, but your latest trick is blowing raspberries with your mouth.  It is a very slobbery ordeal.  To your father and I it is a constant game of, "What end did that come out of?"

There is a reason I haven't managed to get it on are onto the whole camera thing.  Whenever we stick it in front of your face you stop doing whatever cute thing you are doing and become fascinated instead by the camera.

 Last one!  A short video of you talking to the animals on your bouncy chair:

These may not seem like much, but I know they are going to be a great comfort to me when I go back to work.  I have a habit of watching them over and over again whenever you are sleeping.  Your Daddy thinks it's silly - but I miss you when you're asleep! 

I love you so much, Peanut!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Three Months!

Dear Baby,

I can hardly believe that you are three months old.  You are through the supposed "4th trimester" that all the experts talk about, meaning you are adjusted to life and ready to explore your world.  I took you to the doctor today and the receptionist said, "That can't be Quinn - Quinn is tiny!"  Not so, anymore.  You are 13 pounds, 14 ounces and 24 and a half inches tall.  They are no longer concerned about your weight, considering you have moved into the 74th  percentile.  You're in the 88th percentile for height!  We are so proud of you and how well you are growing.

Right now there are flurries falling on the city and you are asleep in your chair.  It gives me a chance to reflect on all the great memories we made this past week.  You helped your daddy and I check out a new restaurant, you went on your first trip to the zoo, you played with your friends, we took long walks around the neighborhood, and you met your Great Aunt Sheila and Great Uncle Beav. 

Just like our adventures with cereal, we may have jumped the gun on bringing you to the zoo, but I just couldn't wait any longer to take you there. It was chilly and you slept through most of it, but don't worry, we will take you back again and again.   

Here are some pictures from our week:

America's first zoo!
Quinn and the monkeys

Flamingos?  Boring!
Michelle and Nolan checkin' out the polar bears

Thanks friends, for a wonderful day at the zoo!


Taking a stroll with Daddy
You won't keep mittens on...the solution: socks
Out to dined on your fist

'Love those cheeks!
Nap time!
Quinn and Mommy

Little Buddha

Thank you, Quinn, for giving us the best three months ever.  We love you from the top of your fuzzy little head to the tips of your pudgy little toes! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Great Debate

Dear Quinn,

You are officially twelve weeks old! You are gaining better control of your hands and have recently started rubbing your eyes when you're tired.  You also play with the little cowlick on the back of your head as you are falling asleep. You're becoming a lot more vocal and can keep up your end of the conversation by saying, "Ooo, ooooo, oooo!"  

You are getting so big! All your newborn clothes have been packed away and you're in a whole new wardrobe of 3-6 month stuff.  In a few short weeks, I'll be going back to work and you'll be off to "school." 

In the meantime we are doing our best to get ourselves prepared.  You need practice with the bottle - and practice sleeping through the night.  This is currently the big disagreement in our house. Your Daddy thinks we'll all get more sleep if we move you into your nursery.  I prefer having you sleep right next to me in your co-sleeper. 

Mommy says:  It's going to be hard enough missing you during the day.  I'm not ready to miss out on all the little grunts and snores you make in the middle of the night. I love being able to pick you up to cuddle in our bed when you stir, or letting you hold on to my finger while we both sleep.  Plus, it makes it easier for you to nurse, which you still do every three hours.  Also - you like sleeping next to Mommy!  No matter where we put you in the bassinet, you always skooch all the way over to the side that's closest to us. 


Daddy says: When Mommy is working, we are all going to need more sleep.  You need to learn to soothe yourself so that you can be strong and independent.  You have a beautiful crib that your Grammy and Pop Pop bought for you.  You are getting too big for the bassinet!

Deep down I know that your father is right, but I'm just not ready yet.  I know he understands how I feel.  On the few nights when I stayed up later than him, I have come upstairs to find you both sound asleep- and him on my side of the bed with his hand on your belly. 

There is a good chance I will never be ready, so we are just going to stretch it out as long as possible until he really puts his foot down.  But for now, baby girl, it is so, so wonderful to go to sleep every night between the two people I love the most.  I am going to treasure every single day I get to wake up and roll over to be greeted by this beautiful smile. 

 Good morning, Mommy!

Goodnight, Rao!
Master of Tummy Time



Your fuzzy hair!

We love you, Quinn!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cereal Time!

Dear Quinn,
For the past couple of weeks you have been showing a lot of interest in food.  You stare at us while we eat, lick your lips and excitedly wheel your little arms and legs.

I had been reading that four months was the proper time to introduce rice cereal, but we all know that you are a very advanced baby. You just seemed ready.

Just to be sure, I reached out to your cousin Kristin, a Clinical Feeding Specialist, mom to a very chubby baby, and the brain behind Toddlers and Tomatoes, to see if she thought it was ok.  She said to go for it!

After careful consideration, (and a little mourning over the fact that you would no longer be "exclusively breastfed") I finally decided I was ready to try.  Of course this decision happened to correspond with a torrential downpour, but your Daddy ran to the store anyway just to get it for you.  

You took it better than we expected, and I think that with more practice you are going to love getting fed from a spoon.  I doubt any cereal actually made it into your little belly, but we all had fun - and that's all that matters for now.  Thank you for giving us another wonderful memory, baby girl!  We love you so very much. 

So here it is, Quinn - your first experience with "food," and the first of many very messy mealtimes:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Dear Quinn,

You are 11 weeks old!

You continue to grow and learn new skills.  On Sunday night your daddy and I got all dressed up to go out to dinner.  I nursed you right before we left so that you would sleep in the restaurant.  As you were eating, I noticed you were waving something around in your fat little fist.  It was my earring!  I didn't even notice that you pulled it out of my ear. You're so sneaky, Quinn! Your daddy joked that we could teach you to lift wallets. 

Now that your vision is clearer, you enjoy interacting with people and have even started showing interest in toys. You love your "Soothe and Glow Seahorse" that lives in your bassinet, and when the dangling animals are attached to your little chair you literally squeal with delight.

Goodnight Seahorse!
You have also recently noticed the TV....  I'm not too happy about this latest development, but it's ok with your father, because it means you will sit quietly on his lap while he watches the game. 
I like football, Daddy!
You are very smiley these days - and very sleepy.  Some days you sleep until noon and then take a long nap.  You must be very tired from all that growing. 

I shouldn't have typed that!  You are now awake and calling me to get you up from your (very short) nap. 

Here are some pictures until next time:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Video Roundup

Quinn loves her mobile:

My grandparents love me!

My Aunt Elena making me smile:

Me and my Pop Daddy:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Dear Quinn,
2012 has finally come to an end.  As I wrote in my Facebook post last night, it was the most difficult, yet most unexpectedly wonderful year of my life.

Here is a picture of your father and I on New Year's Eve, exactly one year ago today:

NYE 2011 - completely clueless!
At the time this photo was taken, we had no idea that the year would bring so many changes to our lives.  Back then we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and now we are a family of three. Sometimes it is still hard to believe all that has happened and how amazing it has been. I don't think I've ever cried so much as I have in this past year.  There have been tears of shock and fear, crying bouts brought on from hormones, and ultimately tears of joy. You have made this year so special and so important and so completely incredible. You have made this a year we will always be grateful for and one we will always remember.  2012 - the year we got Quinn!

For your first New Year's Eve we took you to the 6 o'clock fireworks show at Penn's Landing.  Since there is a big staircase between our apartment and the river, we decided not to take your stroller.  It gave you a chance to wear your snowsuit - and your daddy a chance to wear you in the baby carrier. 

Here you are, all bundled up and ready for the fireworks:

"I can't put my arms down!"

Down by the river
Enjoying the show
Yay! Fireworks!
Daddy shielding you from the wind
You weren't impressed...
We spent the rest of the night on the couch eating takeout sushi and watching TV.  We popped a bottle of champagne and your daddy wrote your name and the year on the cork.  And to make everything come full circle, I shed a few more tears as we watched the ball drop and I thought about our crazy year.  It was a very happy  and memorable new year's eve. 

Someday I will tell you all about how New Year's is significant because it gives us a clean slate - a chance to start over and make ourselves better.  Of course, you are already pure and perfect, but for me there is always room for self-improvement.  This year my resolutions are all about staying healthy and being smart about my finances.  I want to do everything I can to strengthen and protect our little family. You have given me the best motivation to be a better person, because being a better person will help me be a better mommy to you. 

My wish for 2013 is to keep you healthy and happy, and to enjoy and celebrate every moment of your fleeting babyhood. A new year is always a reminder of how swiftly time passes, and you are proving it by growing so fast.  Happy New Year, baby Quinn - and thank you for the greatest year of our lives - so far.  We love you so much!